About Us

Innovative Wellness Solutions provides 100% safe & healthy drinking water through a2water to every Indian household. With its best-in-class purification technology, it enriches water with nutrients inspired by nature and modern science. We use the most advanced water purification technologies that are meant to suit your everyday needs. 

Our mission is to deliver long-lasting products that are unmatched in quality, with a focus on continuous development.

Our vision is to improve the drinking water standards and to enable access to clean, safe drinking water for everyone.

Superior Hydration

A2 water hydrates your body better than most bottled or tap water.  The water ionization process reduces the surface tension by lowering the water molecule cluster size, taking on a silky smooth texture.  This water is more bio-avaliable and absorbs easily into your bodies cells.


Chronic inflammation could be pain-less, and slowly deteriorate your body over time.  Chronic (pain-free) inflammation is known as the “silence killer”.  Ionized water contains hundred’s of thousands of anti-oxidants per glass, helping your body greatly to neutralize inflammation causing free-radicals.


A2WATER, out the chemicals and toxins in your drinking water, as well as the oily toxic-pesticides from produce.  Unlike reverse osmosis, water ionizers keep the helpful minerals like potassium and magnesium in the water. 


A2Water, daily drinking water is slightly alkaline.  Enjoy pH 8.0 - 9.6 and make as much alkaline drinking water as you could possibly want.